Sunday, September 30, 2012


October is the start of fall and usually when we turn our furnace on…which means stuffy dry noses and higher utility bills!  While our bills have been in the same price range for the past couple of years, it still is sad when we have to make that switch over. 

I had some goals for September that I’d like to revisit.

1.     Track and control spending

2.    Track my eating.

I’m going to start w/ #2.  I stopped tracking.  I’m done, I’m over it and I need to embrace that and not worry about it.  WW’s was more money out of my pocket and I’m not committed and it’s just stressing me out more and more by not doing it and paying for it.  It’s not worth the upset to me anymore.  I want to focus more on meal planning, incorporating more fruits and veggies to each meal and in the end I hope to eat healthier and will lose weight.  I will start tracking again, but more loosely, like just the meal and the portion size vs. calories/points.  I haven’t had a period since the end of July and it’s getting extremely frustrating by the day.  I was having every pregnancy symptom under the sun and received all negative tests, including a negative ultrasound and blood test.  So I’m taking progesterone for a couple of weeks to see what happens and hopefully my period comes back soon!  We want to have another baby, but that won’t happen until the monthly visitor shows back up and I can keep track again!  I believe my weight has quite a bit to do w/ it, so I just have to figure out the best way for me to lose weight and get it together. 


#1… track and control spending!  We NAILED this!  I wasn’t so much worried about “controlling” as I was with tracking it.  And I tracked and tracked and tracked some more!  We overspent in a few areas, but not near as badly as I thought!  We need to work on eating out and grocery spending, but those can both help get my eating and weight loss on track!  It’s amazing how things you didn’t think were related actually are.

October… wow… where has this year gone?  E will be 2, I have another niece/nephew on the way and I have another couple of goals in mind.

1.      Track my spending

2.    Meal plan

a.    Two meals per week for me

b.    Two meals per week for Hubby

If we meal plan like that, I think we will have plenty of leftovers for lunches and dinners and we won’t overspend and we won’t waste near as much.  Our works schedules can be crazy and sometimes we end up wasting more than we actually eat. 

            So here is to a new month and new goals!!!


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