Thursday, July 12, 2012

My first goal...Weightloss.

A goal in mind...That's why I'm writing this...b/c I have a goal in mind...or so I thought.  I WANT to have a goal in mind, I NEED to have a goal in mind, but do I actually have one.  Well, I have many, here is my main goal.

1.  To lose weight...not just any weight, a significant amount.  I'd like to keep a realistic goal in mind, month to month, rather than the whole.  I do have a number in mind, but it looms so far in the distance I just can't say it until I get motivated to the small goals.

257...that is what my scale told me two weeks ago when I stepped on it.  That is the weight I've maintained since I walked (ok, rolled) out of the hospital at Dec 12, 2010 when my brand new baby girl!  Now, there is a plus...I've maintained, lost and gained the same 5lbs, but it's so frustrating.  I see pictures like this...
And it makes me sad, and frustrated and honestly, disgusted.  I don't need the assurances that I'm pretty, cute...whatever!  What I need is motivation!  Motivation to reach a goal!  My goal for weight loss this month is 10lbs.  As of last Sunday I was at 255, I'm on my way.  I'm not going to focus on the ounces, those have always upset me in the past, so I'm going to stick to whole pounds.  I'm going to focus on tracking (thank you Weight Watchers, I know you work, but why I fight you every step of the way...well, that is another post!), and on exercise, movement, playing w/ my girl...anything that gets my butt going!

Here it is on paper (well, on screen!)...the start of my goals.  I have many in mind, that I plan to write about, but baby steps!

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