Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First time on the scale...

It really wasn't, but I'm saying it was for this goal.  What did it say?  Down 2lbs!  I'm now 253lbs...WOO!  YAY! 
Will it stay off? Gosh, I hope so, but I don't feel very confident that it will.  Why?  Multiple reasons.

1.  I indulged...I had a treat meal...why did I do that?
2.  I gave into the convenience of fast food rather than cook dinner.
3.  My period is looming, I'm actually 2 days late, but it doesn't always show on time, I'm feeling some symptoms.
4.  I've only scheduled work outs 3 days this week.
5.  I didn't immediately track my food choices Sun - Tues, so I went back and I'm sure I missed things.

Let's address #1.  A treat meal.  What is this?  For me it was Mr. Hero, a 10" Romanburger w/ a side of waffle fries and a root beer.  A 10" SANDWICH, w/ salami, small hamburger patties (3 to be exact!), cheese, oil mixture, onions, lettuce and mayo!  So delicious, but so unhealthy, I'm sure loaded in saturated fat, grease and just pure blah!  My heartburn later that night was proof enough that it's something I shouldn't have consumed.  What annoyed me about the whole thing?  They have a mini one!  What is wrong w/ me that I can't make the smarter choice?  If I'm going to treat myself, I just need the taste, not the whole container.  My husband can sit down to a treat and just eat a taste.  A pint of ice cream is something I can't even think about it, I will eat the whole thing!  My hubby, 2 or 3 spoonfuls, he makes those things last WEEKS!!!  He did enjoy the same exact meal as me w/ the same exact results (heartburn!), so I know he does have weaknesses, but he's also pretty thin and has amazing will power when it comes to sweets.  What can I do differently?  Well, that one is easy, stop having treat "meals"...have a treat snack to begin with, then once I get over this need to be "treated" w/ food, make it a physical treat (clothes, shoes, nail polish).  I need to remember that over eating and "treating" myself is what got me to the weight I am. 

#2...sigh...I'm not proud of it, but I cannot manage my time or plan meals to save my life.  Even though my daughter is a pretty consistent napper, I still can't figure out how to plan an evening meal for us!  It's just her and I in the evenings and I LOVE playing and doing stuff w/ her, but she is a little busy body so she has to be focused on something in order for me to get stuff done (ie cooking).  If she's not focused on something she will become obessive for my attention, or heaven forbid, she will become obessive about the idea that we will eat soon and I will hear "EAT EAT EAT" for 30-45 minutes (or however long it takes to get a plate infront of her!)
Monday night was brutally hot!  I planned on going out to swim, but it was so hot it wouldn't have been any fun, so we headed to the mall and lost track of time.  I had planned to bake fish, but it would have taken 40 minutes from the time we got home, so I decided to stop at Wendy's...I only wanted to get stuff off the value menu, which I did, a chicken sandwich, fries, nuggets and the oh so tempting Frosty (those things are evil!).  I was proud of my choices and the fact that I only spent $4.95.  We got home and the nuggets on the value meal are now SPICY, not ideal for a toddler (way to go Wendy's, nice way to make people get the kid's meals that are more expensive!) Evie ate french fries, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, grapes and oranges.  While I ate a small chicken sandwich, french fries, grapes and oranges.  We have plenty of salad makings, yet I didn't take the time to make one for myself and I just ate what I wanted, even though I know it was not the best choice. 

#3...she's on her way, the Progressive b*tch (total inside joke!), better known as Aunt Flow.  I typically gain 3-8 lbs while on my period.  I seriously need to throw out the scale that week b/c I feel like I'm fighting the whole rest of the month to just get period bloat off and it shows back up the next month.  But why am I gaining that much?  Could it be b/c I'm giving myself carte blanche to eat those "treats" to make myself feel better?  Yep, I'm sure that is part of it, heck, most of it!  I honestly don't think I actually crave anything, but I sure do follow the hype that "during the menstrual cycle women crave    xyz     "
I need to take better control of myself and make healthier choices and make the choice to say "Yep, I'd really like some ice cream, a Snickers bar" or whatever and say, NO!  I don't need it!

#4...I do have 3 scheduled and I plan to work hard at those! 

#5...Seriously, why am I not tracking every BLT (bites, licks and tastes)?  I have a phone that has an app and I can even scan labels and it will input into my tracker!  Pure laziness and I have to get over it!  

I want this, I need this and I have the mental toughness to do it!

Tonight I'm planning on putting together a cucumber salad for the rest of the week, just need to figure out the main dishes.  We have a ton of stuff in our freezer, just have to wrap my head around planning! 

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