Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Salad vs Sandwich smothered in cheese...A losing battle!

How's it going?  How's what going?  My diet, my weight loss, my motivation?  Well, it's waining...already!  I know this happens and it seems to hit me earlier and earlier each time I decide to lose weight.  I had lost 2lbs my first week, and my 2nd?  I gained it back!  No clue why, I tracked everything and I worked out 3-4 times that week, it didn't seem possible!!!
My number one goal...for the month of July,  is to lose weight! I have an overall goal of losing 15lbs by Labor Day. This is what I need to do, what I want to do and what I need to dedicate myself to 100%. 
On Sunday we had dinner out w/ family (2 hrs away from home) and I ate a small breakfast, but totally blew lunch.  The sandwich I ordered SOUNDED like a healthier choice and it was smoothed in so much cheese, any redeeming value of "grilled chicken" was obliterated!  Also I had fries and a couple of small onion rings....blah!  After lunch we decided to travel a little further south to visit more family and we didn't eat anything until we left their house.  Our daughter was sooooooo over tired as we started the trip home, but we knew we had to stop in a drive thru, b/c we were STARVING and she is a french fry officianato, so we had to wait until she was asleep.  9pm, we rolled into McDonald's to split a 20 piece nugget, each had an order of fries and large ice teas.  From the backseat we heard a very sleepy "french frrrrrry"...thankfully, we waited and she fell back to sleep and we didn't have to share!  Yep, I didn't want to share w/ my daughter!  She had eaten fairly healthy all day, as healthy as a toddler can eat when she's being picky, but she actually consumed more fruits and veggies then I did!  Why didn't I order a salad at lunch, then I wouldn't feel so guilty about the drive thru stop?  Well, b/c I've been taught that a salad is "diet" food, rabbit food, just a filler, no flavor, just there to make sure you get your veggies.  I need to change that way of thinking.  I can do ANYTHING w/ a salad, add more veggies, more fruit, try different dressings, oils...everything in moderation, salad's can be unhealthy, of course, but they can also be the main course! 
Monday I just went w/ the flow and my daughters eating.  We got up late so I made cinnamon crescent rolls.  We each enjoyed one of those and fruit.  Lunch was totally skipped for naps and swimming!  (OOPS!) and I can't even remember what we had for dinner.  Dinner wasn't a total bust, I enjoyed a yummy baked potato w/ a slice of bacon and exactly 1/4 cheese and 2 tbsp Brummel Brown butter. 
Tuesday we got an early phone call to open our gate for the lawn guy, so I got up, enjoyed a cup of coffee and homemade breakfast burrito, then worked out at Curves and had a McDonald's Mango Pineapple smoothie afterwards.  Lunch was again skipped for more swimming and a Nutragrain bar.  I'm not trying to skip lunch, but my daughter can't swim after she eats or she vomits horribly, so we hold off and have a snack afterwards and aim for an early dinner.  For dinner I made yummy Chicken Spaghetti, my daughter refused it and it took everything in me not to go back for 3rds (yes, I had 2nds, but the suggested serving size is 1 1/3 cups and I only had 1/2 a cup each serving) and a very nice salad w/ low fat dressing.  I was pretty pleased w/ myself.  Until my daughter went to bed, then I had a homemade strawberry shake and iced animal crackers!

Baby steps, but I have to keep in mind that no one makes me eat poorly...I MAKE THAT DECISION...ME, MYSELF & I!  I can have an occasional treat, but not multiple treats a day or even a week!  I need to think about the month, when/what are we doing that I can enjoy that treat?  How will I change my habits that day in order to enjoy it and not see a gain?  I like my sweets... I need to stop liking them so much!

So today is a new day...I have my lunch packed, I already enjoyed a balanced breakfast and dinner is planned as well. 

Avoid temptation and learn to say NO! 

Those are my goals for today!

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